Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month



What is Hispanic Heritage Month and why do we celebrate it?

In 1988, President Ronald Reagan enacted a public law declaring a 30-day Hispanic Heritage Month from September 15 to October 15 every year. Hispanic Heritage Month is dedicated to celebrating the millions of Hispanic Americans and their rich cultural heritage.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, there are more than 62 million people in the United States identify as Hispanic, making up 18.7 percent of the country’s population as of 2020.

With such a large Hispanic population within the U.S., it is important to recognize the diverse histories and cultures, acknowledging the achievements and contributions of Hispanic people to the country’s national story. In fact, the contributions of Hispanic people in the United States reaches back to the American Revolution.

How does Greenbrier support Hispanic Heritage Month and its Hispanic workforce?

In honor of Hispanic Heritage Month and Greenbrier’s Hispanic workforce, Greenbrier celebrates its Hispanic Employee Resource Group (ERG). The Hispanic ERG was founded in February 2023.

Hispanic ERG co-lead

Kyla Boswell
Jr. Account Manager

Hispanic ERG co-lead

Thomas Hannon
Regional EHS Manager

The Hispanic ERG provides resources for professional development and organizes events to celebrate diversity at Greenbrier. This upcoming year, Hispanic ERG members look forward to working with local community organizations, bringing in more guest speakers to meetings, hosting more in-person events, and continuing their efforts in bringing together employees across Greenbrier.

Greenbrier is committed to creating spaces for employees to connect and celebrate the diversity of our workforce through ERGs. This Hispanic Heritage Month, the Hispanic ERG will collaborate with various production facilities to shed light on the historical significance of the month, highlight Hispanic historical figures who made their mark on the rail industry, and spotlight Hispanic employees working to make an impact at Greenbrier.

What does it mean to be an ally? How can you support the Hispanic community?

Educate Yourself

  • Learn about the history, traditions and contributions of Hispanic cultures. Understand that these cultures are incredibly diverse, encompassing people from many countries and regions.

Build Relationships

  • Make an effort to build meaningful relationships with Hispanic individuals and communities. Engage in open, respectful dialogues to learn from each other.

Be Open to Feedback

  • Understand that you may make mistakes or have misunderstandings along the way. Be open to feedback and willing to learn from your experiences.

Being an ally is an ongoing process that requires a commitment to continuous learning and self-improvement. Building genuine connections and respecting the Hispanic culture and its members are key to being a supportive ally.

Greenbrier is proud of its diverse workforce and those of the Hispanic community who contribute to the organization’s success and its culture. Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month reinforces Greenbrier’s IDEAL Commitment, encouraging relationship building, making connections, learning from one another and creating allyship among team members.

Employee Spotlights

Cesar Nevarez
Plant Manager
San Antonio, TX


Why is Hispanic Heritage Month important?

This month is important because it allows me to honor the strength of my parents’ sacrifices in giving me a better opportunity to survive in a world I was once unfamiliar with. I came to The United States unaware of the obstacles and barriers I would face, such as being unable to communicate my needs and necessities. I was faced with adjusting to a totally different culture and embarking on a new lifestyle filled with fears but also filled with many dreams. To me, Hispanic Heritage is facing obstacles and barriers with courage, and honoring the history, culture, and influence of past generations.


Describe your experience working as a Hispanic employee in the manufacturing industry.

When I first started with the industry it was a challenge because of my language barrier. I had to challenge myself to learn and fully understand the many industry rules and regulations, the industry’s culture, and how the industry operates. Now, I can manage to communicate and assist our Hispanic community. Its fulfilling being able to assist our Hispanic workforce in our work environment.

Jose Gomez
Marmaduke, AR


Why is Hispanic Heritage Month important?

Hispanic Heritage Month celebrates the culture and customs of Americans with Hispanic roots.


Describe your experience working as a Hispanic employee in the manufacturing industry.

The U.S. is a country that offers job opportunities in various areas and trades, not depending on race or religion.

Tomas Perdomo
Welder Level 3
Marmaduke, AR


Why is Hispanic Heritage Month important?

Hispanic Heritage Month is an important time to reflect, give thanks and appreciate my culture. It is important that we highlight the values that are often in my culture, passing down these values and educating generations to come.


Describe your experience working as a Hispanic employee in the manufacturing industry.

I thank the company for allowing me to provide for my family while learning and being around different cultures. This allows me to grow in the workplace and gain exposure to people with different backgrounds.

Erik Lopez
Outbound Inspector
Marmaduke, AR


Why is Hispanic Heritage Month important?

It recognizes some of the hard labor our people have put in for this country. Day of celebration for all the diverse cultures.


Describe your experience working as a Hispanic employee in the manufacturing industry.

I’d say it has been great. I have learned many skills in the years I’ve worked here.

Kendra Franco
Quality Assurance Inspector
Kennett, MO


Why is Hispanic Heritage Month important?

Hispanic Heritage Month is important because it represents my culture and allows others to be exposed to my heritage.


Describe your experience working as a Hispanic employee in the manufacturing industry.

Honestly, I haven’t experienced any adversities during my tenure here at Greenbrier, everyone has been very inviting and makes me feel welcome.

Edgar ZaPata
Welder 2
Kennett, MO


Why is Hispanic Heritage Month important?

This month allows our heritage to be embraced by everyone and not just by those in my culture.


Describe your experience working as a Hispanic employee in the manufacturing industry.

I don’t feel that I have been treated any differently than anyone else I have worked with. It has been a good experience.

Gabriela Hernandez
Outbound Quality
Paragould, AR


Why is Hispanic Heritage Month important?

It’s always important to remember where your family can from, so that you can always be grateful for the thing we have today.


Describe your experience working as a Hispanic employee in the manufacturing industry.

I haven’t been here for too long, but I feel included by how diverse the workforce is here.

Zachary Castor
Paragould, AR


Why is Hispanic Heritage Month important?

Hispanic Heritage Month gives us an opportunity to update American people as to who Latinos are today, providing contemporary context for all of our communities that are different.


Describe your experience working as a Hispanic employee in the manufacturing industry.

My experience working in the manufacturing industry has been good. Everybody treats me the same as anybody else. It’s never been a problem that I am Hispanic.

Gabriel Espinosa
Paragould, AR


Why is Hispanic Heritage Month important?

Hispanic Heritage Month is an example of the diversity in our workforce.


Describe your experience working as a Hispanic employee in the manufacturing industry.

My experience has been good. Everyone is treated the same.

Marcos Carrasco
Safety Coordinator/Machinist
GRS San Bernadino, CA


Why is Hispanic Heritage Month important?

It is important to me because it celebrates our culture, and highlights the hard work brought to America by my ancestors.


Describe your experience working as a Hispanic employee in the manufacturing industry.

A good work ethic helps move the transportation industry forward, completing the work not many are willing to perform.

Richard Rodriguez
Quality Assurance Manager
GRS Finley, WA


Why is Hispanic Heritage Month important?

It is important because it gives other people the opportunity to honor/admire the Hispanic culture around the U.S.


Describe your experience working as a Hispanic employee in the manufacturing industry.

My experience has been good. I have been lucky to be given equal opportunity in my work experiences and can watch others like me have the same opportunities.

Juan Mendoza
Railcar Repairman/ Switchman
GRS Finley, WA


Why is Hispanic Heritage Month important?

Hispanic Heritage Month is important to me because of where I come from. It gives me an opportunity to share my culture with others.


Describe your experience working as a Hispanic employee in the manufacturing industry.

I like the work we do in repair and the people I work with.

Jesus Salazar
Mechatronic Engineering & Maintenance Manager


Why is Hispanic Heritage Month important?

Hispanic Heritage Month is a special time when we remember our history and our origin, celebrate our journey together, and encourage our kids to work hard to achieve our dreams in this beautiful country.


Describe your experience working as a Hispanic employee in the manufacturing industry.

Working in the manufacturing industry as a Hispanic employee was a bit tough for me. I thought I knew English well because I did well in my classes in Mexico. But talking in a new language was harder than I thought. We moved to a new area with a different way of life, and my family and I had to get used to it.

My journey at Greenbrier has been a rewarding mix of challenges and growth. I’m genuinely excited about the prospect of continuing to contribute to this company for many more years.